



Starfish Academy misija yra padėti žmonėms tapti finansiškai nepriklausomais, naudojantis verslo ir/arba investavimo galimybėmis, tuo pačiu gyvenant harmoningą gyvenimą.

Starfish Academy vizija yra tapti didžiausia ir įtakingiausia pasaulyje finansiškai laisvų verslų savininkų ir investuotojų bendruomene.

Starfish Academy skatina finansinį švietimą Lietuvoje per atvirus mokymus, straipsnius ir bendruomenės renginius. Norime, kad kiekvienas lietuvis suprastų finansinio švietimo svarbą ir imtųsi priemonių jam tobulinti.

Taip pat mes siūlome įmonių vadovų mokymus ir renginius, kuriuose komanda gali augti kartu.





Starfish Academy is a guide for enterprising people who want to achieve financial freedom. There are many ways to get there, but a supportive community of people who share your mindset and have similar aspirations will help you achieve your goals best. Together we move faster!

Our Vision: Starfish Academy is the world’s largest and most influential community of financially free entrepreneurs and investors.

Our Mission: Help achieve financial freedom through business and/or investment while living a harmonious life.

IC members
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Online courses
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Our code of honor - I am Starfish

I am always serving and asking what can I do to help and add value to others unconditionally.

I keep my promises and give my best to do more than expected.

I acknowledge others for doing something good. I am willing to give and accept honest and direct feedback.

I stay positive, humble and respectful to others. I am always on time.

I keep an open mind that there is always something new to learn and do my best to participate fully.

I have a mindset of abundance and always look for solutions. (“How Can I?”)

I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life. I admit my mistakes and do not blame, justify or finger-point.

I don’t oppose, I accept other people’s truth and propose other points of view. 

I always put mission first, team second, individual third. Family comes before business!

I strive maximizing my potential despite of fear and acting in my strength zone.

I keep the process of learning fun and entertaining. I celebrate all wins!

I am always present and focused on what I am doing.

Why us?

We promote financial literacy, increase entrepreneurship and train leaders.
We are the only ones in Estonia who have made money and wealth mindset courses available on the online platform for everyone who wants to achieve freedom in their lives – in every sense.
We organize courses, conferences and in-house trainings, but the most important thing is to create a community of people who are free of money and time.

Kodėl mes?

Savo veikloje remiamės pasaulinėmis finansinio raštingumo, verslumo, lyderystės bei kitų įgūdžių ir savybių ugdymo metodikomis.
Esame vieninteliai Lietuvoje, derinantys “Pinigų srauto” žaidimą su mokymo metodika. O mokymų metų suteikiami praktiniai įgūdžiai nestandartine, interaktyvia forma.
Kuriame finansiškai laisvų žmonių bendruomenę.


+372 600 0662

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